My dog sleeps. Too Li is a champion sleeper. An hour of exercise, a bowl of food, two reluctant trips to the back yard and unless something interesting plops down, sleep is in order. Bed by seven, under till noon. No Shit, really.
I hardly see her. She prefers to be stuffed into a wad of blankets and cooks in there, air-less, like a luau pig. I wonder how she breathes. I take her temperature by sqeezing her ears. When those begin to glow, she is comfortable.
She is going to hell. Everlasting fire? Really hot? Hell, let's go now. Gnashing of teeth? Hummins in distress? Hot Stuff! Where are they selling the tickets?
I believe that the Humongous Universal Tendency sends us messages. They are like dreams, significant and yet tenuous. Easy to ignore, undemanding. (Or not) I can't help but think that Too Li is one of those metaphorical illustrations sent by the Woo Woos. I get to interpret what the cipher reads.
No doubt, I love Too Li. All my friends do, too. And she loves them, I believe she knows how to love as most people love. She is unbelievably cute. Excuse me while I wilt, cute. Easy to love, with one exception.
Oh, what is this? You are up at Eleven? Go Pee! I just ushered her out the door. Must be breakfast time. I've had several cups of coffee and have watered the toilet more than twice. You back? Back from the pee break. Then on the couch, next to me, taking a doggie shower. Same as cats do. That's prep for a nap, I believe. Yup, since none of her friends have stopped by and the unemployed woodcutter isn't working, might as well take a nap.
I feel a nap coming on, myself.
Inflicting thoughts on unwary readers so that I can improve my tyqing skills
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Old Woman Winter Knits
Happy New Year! We had a white Christmas, whiter than I can remember. It has been on my mind for two weeks.
Old Woman Winter
knitted a white blanket that covered the town. From her white hair the knots fell. All night and the next day the knots fell in spirals and swirls until the streets rejected cars and welcomed squealing children sledding on slide-easy hills. Houses sported roof wide shawls. Benches and bushes bore turbans. Lawns dozed deep under thick afgans and the telephone poles stood proud with white caps on their crowns. Electricity wires adorned with fines necklaces and fir trees held a thousand mittens.
On the darkest nights of the year the white fell from her long hair, magnifying the night light of street lamps and sunrise dawned sparkly glistening.
The knots fell and fell until handrails grew impossibly tall and stairways lost their abrupt edges. Busy-ness ground to a halt. Hot chocolate and Christmas cookies perfumed kitchens. Neighbors smiled with the amazement of small children as Christmas glittered in their eyes.
The Gross Domestic Product fell as the knots fell. The Real Economy grew. Neighbors helped neighbors, while the garbage man stayed home with his family. Garbage cans stood waist deep in snow, waiting patiently for pickups. People were forced to rest and read books in the morning. Everyone suffered a grand time.
Old Woman Winter knits leisure blankets.
Old Woman Winter
knitted a white blanket that covered the town. From her white hair the knots fell. All night and the next day the knots fell in spirals and swirls until the streets rejected cars and welcomed squealing children sledding on slide-easy hills. Houses sported roof wide shawls. Benches and bushes bore turbans. Lawns dozed deep under thick afgans and the telephone poles stood proud with white caps on their crowns. Electricity wires adorned with fines necklaces and fir trees held a thousand mittens.
On the darkest nights of the year the white fell from her long hair, magnifying the night light of street lamps and sunrise dawned sparkly glistening.
The knots fell and fell until handrails grew impossibly tall and stairways lost their abrupt edges. Busy-ness ground to a halt. Hot chocolate and Christmas cookies perfumed kitchens. Neighbors smiled with the amazement of small children as Christmas glittered in their eyes.
The Gross Domestic Product fell as the knots fell. The Real Economy grew. Neighbors helped neighbors, while the garbage man stayed home with his family. Garbage cans stood waist deep in snow, waiting patiently for pickups. People were forced to rest and read books in the morning. Everyone suffered a grand time.
Old Woman Winter knits leisure blankets.
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About Me

- roberto kiam
- I live in a quaint, little town, plagued with the specter of speculation and commerce. I am trailer trash,with wishes for good dishes. I shoulda died long ago, but like a rescue dog, didn't. I am indescribably scattered. I speak three languages. I walk a tenuously, true path. I am lucky. For myself, for others. God, it is said, protects orphans, widows and the innocent.