Inflicting thoughts on unwary readers so that I can improve my tyqing skills

Monday, July 03, 2006

straight out of nature

When I stumbled outside this July morning, I realized just how far removed we are from nature. I lit my cigarette and siped my coffee, shivered slightly in the pre-seven o'clock fall-misty dawn. I have been housesitting all week and in this, a typical cookie-cutter suburban (I hate to use the word "Home") roofed Box, with piped-in water, gas and electricity, not to mention the T.V. (piped in and officially sanctioned How-to think), I can feel the post urban Hunter-Gatherer in me scream silently and fade into nonexistence. It's the screen doors and the air conditioning; the conveniences; washers and dryers (now you can have more clothes); the closets to store them in; Fashions to sabotage "How you look", the rat race of esteem, power and MONEY. There is so much crap and frosting on the cake that it takes a shovel to get to the center.
Real. Royal. Regal.
Who are we, really? What do we need? What is the point of all this stuff?
Last week I saw a patch of poppies in the bright sun light. I was glued to the ground, still and awed. It felt like food for the soul. Now that may sound trite and I would be the first to point that out. Food for the soul. EAUGH. However, in that experience there is a hint about something very real. Something essential. If life is varying shades of gray, notice the occasional flecks of color. They add up. Work hard!!

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About Me

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I live in a quaint, little town, plagued with the specter of speculation and commerce. I am trailer trash,with wishes for good dishes. I shoulda died long ago, but like a rescue dog, didn't. I am indescribably scattered. I speak three languages. I walk a tenuously, true path. I am lucky. For myself, for others. God, it is said, protects orphans, widows and the innocent.