Inflicting thoughts on unwary readers so that I can improve my tyqing skills

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


That word is a description for failure. We've been taught that the self-made man is the hat on the statue, the pinnacle on the pyramid. Self-made is a myth, a lie, a piece of propaganda. The truth is that isolated humans are hardly human. They are spiritual dwarfs and excel in psychopathic endeavors only. I fear that we have come to a point in our evolution that due to an excess of niceness, that kind has not only a foothold in society, rather are directing the course of human evolution. The time will never come when 5% of humans are decent, kind and loving. Once we get to the tipping point, all kindness will be eradicated and what will be left is a race of human reptilian robots. They will make the perfect slaves, powerless in their monumental numberoneiosity, unable to plan together, forever ratting each other out for the slightest reward. That is Hell.

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About Me

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I live in a quaint, little town, plagued with the specter of speculation and commerce. I am trailer trash,with wishes for good dishes. I shoulda died long ago, but like a rescue dog, didn't. I am indescribably scattered. I speak three languages. I walk a tenuously, true path. I am lucky. For myself, for others. God, it is said, protects orphans, widows and the innocent.